Monday, October 28, 2013

Super Smoothie Packs a Powerful Punch

Way back in the day - 2004 to be exact - when I began my transition from SAD (Standard American Diet) to Raw Vegan, I was worried about withdrawal symptoms from sugary-type snacks. My concern quickly faded because I discovered that eating almond-covered bananas with dates on top was instrumental in easing my withdrawal symptoms.  Actually, I had NO withdrawal symptoms.  Every time I craved sugar, I had my almond-date-banana and my craving was immediately satisfied.  After two weeks, no more sugar cravings.  Yay!  =)

Back in July, hubby and I took a road trip so I purchased a few packets of Justin's Nut Butters to snack on.  Wowzers!  I fell madly in love with Chocolate Hazlenut Butter.  I immediately went looking for the local health food store in the state we were visiting and bought a jar.  YUMMMMMM!!!!

This week, I kept coming across a packet of Maple Almond Butter that was left over from our trip.  I kept moving it to different spots so I wouldn't forget to use it.  Yesterday morning, I was eating a banana when I spotted that packet of almond butter.

Yep!  The maple kind!!
So sorry... couldn't resist the talking dog from YouTube.
Check him out. =)

I decided to experiment using the Maple Almond Butter in a smoothie and this is what I came up with. OMGosh!! It is SOOOO freakin' GOOD!!!


1 - 1 1/2 cups of Coconut water (or water)

2 Medjool Dates, pitted*

1 Banana

1 handful Spinach

1 heaping TBSP of Justin's Maple Almond butter

Blend away and enjoy!!


*Medjool dates are NOT the same as the ones sold in a box in the baking ingredients aisle of your grocery store.  Blech!!  Medjool dates look like this.  If you can find organic, that would be preferable.